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Arpy Dragffy

10+ Years

Principal Strategist & Service Designer

10+ Years

Principal strategist & service design consultant at PH1 Research where I help clients solve the biggest problems impacting their digital experience. Since founding PH1 in 2012, my clients have included Spotify, Dapper Labs, Mozilla, The Weather Network, National Football League, Telus, Braintrust, Indigo, and more.

My career began studying architecture when I quickly fell in love with creating digital experiences and never turned back. 20+ years later and I've led marketing, product, design teams and consulted clients across nearly every industry. My passion is helping clients overcome uncertainty and shifting their perspectives. I believe our goal must always be to humanize technology and nurturing deeper connections at scale.

Over the last year, I've led the research for some of the largest NFT platforms to date. Also, worked with industry leaders to evaluate how to use Web3 to increase monetization and value creation. My focus is on building thriving Web3 ecosystems by maximizing fandom.

Challenges I've solved

  • Launching a thriving NFT ecosystem that elevates fandom

  • Defining a roadmap and audiences for a disruptive new Web3 jobs platform

  • Reducing customer service call volume for leading telecom provider

  • Creating a Customer Experience Master Plan for a major transportation provider

  • Designing of an online platform to provide support on the journey to quit tobacco

About me

I'm often travelling with my two daughters, exploring how different communities connect and seeking fun new places to have team retreats.

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